Why Cohorts?

Developing Leaders Designing Culture

DLDC program commits to solving the resisting challenges of the organisation through the members of the organisation. In solving this challenge they will also

Develop a deep understanding of its lived and desired culture

Align its culture with it Strategy and operations

Build a cultural literacy and capacity to create culture interventions intentionally

Create a workspace/thriving culture that promotes well being, inclusion, sustainability, engagement

Enable the participants to groom themselves as an instrument of change

The DLDC program combines 3 streams of knowledge to create a comprehensive culture change program

Globally recognised models and approaches like Theory U, Integral Theory/Spiral Dynamics, process work/T-groups

Indic approach to understand oneself, the context and the process of negotiations between the two

WiT’s proprietary experience and tools including SPIEMORAT, Culture Audit, Culture Map, Culture circle, etc

Ontological leadership/Ontological approaches to change

To build on the Indian wisdom traditions

Alternative for above - understand self and system from a dharmic lens

Cohort Journey

Cohort 1 Impact

10 to 100 +
Team Members
30L to 10 Cr

Interested in joining the next Cohort
